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Parent Resources

On The Bedford Campus

For students who have completed the enrollment process and will be joining us in the fall, or for those students returning once again, all of the required registration forms, as well as important additional materials, can be found here.

Health Forms

Below you will find the required Health Assessments/Immunization Record for the 2023-2024 school year. For information on immunization requirements, please refer to the Immunization Requirements Guide. Please note: Influenza immunizations are required for all preschoolers.
Download health form
IMPORTANT NOTE: If your child has an allergy requiring an Epi-pen or other medication, please refer to the additional information in the drop down menu entitled Students With Allergies on this page.
Health forms can be emailed to Sarah McKimmie or mailed to:
Landmark Preschool
P.O. Box 477
Bedford, NY 10506 

If you have questions, please contact the main office at 914.234.2300.

Additional Medical Information

Additional Information & Forms

Patriot (Parent) Portal

The Patriot Portal is a password protected hub used by enrolled families to update household information, view progress reports, and schedule parent-teacher conferences. The Patriot Portal is our official contact record, so we rely on our parents to give us complete, accurate, and updated information. It is imperative that the school has accurate contact information for all parents for safety, communication, and other reasons. 
Updating Family Information in the Patriot Portal
Please note, this information must be updated prior to your child attending the first day of school.

To review and/or make changes, you will need to follow a few quick and easy steps:
  • Log in to the Patriot Portal. (Please note: If you can't remember your username or password, you can resolve that here. Tip: Username is always lowercase in the following format: firstname.lastname (i.e. jane.doe)
  • Click on the blue link that reads Update my Household Profile
  • Review contact information, emergency notification information, school directory information, and student medical information.

Visit the patriot portal